Posted on 2/28/2023
Have you ever driven at night and suddenly realized that your headlights were out? It's not only dangerous but also illegal to drive with non-functioning headlights. Here are some common reasons why your headlights may be out and what you can do to fix them. Burnt-out Bulbs The most common reason for headlight failure is a burnt-out bulb. Headlight bulbs have a limited lifespan, and they eventually burn out, just like any other lightbulb. Fortunately, replacing a headlight bulb is relatively easy and inexpensive. Check your owner's manual to find the correct type of light bulb and how to replace it. Bad Wiring A wiring issue can also cause your headlights to fail. Worn, frayed, or corroded wires can prevent the electrical current from reaching the headlights. If you suspect that your wiring is the issue, take your vehicle to a trusted mechanic at Rev Limit Auto Center. We can figure out the problem and fix it. Faulty Headlight Switch A faulty headlight switch can cause t ... read more